Omicron UHV AFM/STM for C-AFM and insitu investigation of organic thin films.
The system is based on the Omicron UHV AFM/STM. The old Solaris controller has been replaced by a modern custom build controller from Anfatec. The new controller now also allows to use all the dynamic modes more easily.

You can see the transfer rods and the cooling feedthrough for the Quarz crystal balance.

Back side if the system with load lock in the back ion source and evaporator all hidden behind a lot of cables.

The Omicron AFM/STM outside the vacuum chamber.

Home built electron heating for sample cleaning. The QCMB and the wooble stick for sample manipulation can be seen in the front.

The system is used mainly by Gregor Hlawacek for growth and characterization of organic thin films and by Igor Beinik for electrical characterization of various samples.