Former Members
Dr. mont. Igor Beinik
until 09/2011
Dipl. Ing. Mario Lugger
Former diploma student
Oliver Miskoviv
Worked together with Franz Schmied
Dipl. Ing. Abdellatif Jerrar
until 10/2011
Dipl. Ing. Dr. mont. Franz J. Schmied
until 10/2011
Dipl. Ing. Astrid Wachauer
until 07/2011
Dipl. Ing. Lin Wang
Dipl. Ing. Nurdogan Gürkan
until 12/2010
Dipl. Ing. Dr. Gregor Hlawacek
Gregor Hlawacek is working as a PostDoc in the group. The main interst are growth of organic semiconductors.
Dipl. Ing. Dr. mont. Sascha Kremmer
until 09/2004
Dipl. Ing. Daniel Pressl
until 06/2004
Dipl. Ing. Stefan Brandstetter
until 12/2003
Dipl. Ing. Dr. Stephan Abermann
until 04/2003
Dipl. Ing. Dr. Sven Peißl
until 10/2002
Dr. Ming Xu
until 03/2002
Dipl. Ing. Erich Pischler
until 04/2001
Dipl. Ing. Kurt Sorschag
until 06/2000
Dr.rer.nat. Zakir Seyidov
University Assistant
Mag. Dr. mont. Herbert Gold
until 02/2000
Dipl. Ing. Alfred Haas
until 10/1999
Dipl. Ing. Thomas Klünsner
until: 04/2008